发布单位:      发布时间:2018-04-02      点击数:

1 外教必须遵守中国法律规定以及西安外事学院有关管理制度。

As a Foreign teacher, you are advised to observe all Chinese laws and regulations regarding your conduct while here in China and in addition comply with XAIU internal regulations and rules regarding your conduct and behavior while working and living on the XAIU campus.

2 外教入住外教楼之日起,应保管好钥匙,不得私自配钥匙和转借他人,如果钥匙丢失,请尽快与国际交流中心联系更换门锁并支付门锁费用。离任时,应将钥匙交回国际交流中心。

Care for your apartment key is your express responsibility.  Do not copy the key without the express permission of the International Exchange Centre (IEC).  You are advised not to loan your key to anyone under any circumstances.  If your key is lost please contact the IEC and a replacement will be organized at a reasonable charge.  If you have locked your key in your apartment by accident the main guard house has a duplicate set of all apartment keys and they may be able to help you under these circumstances.  At the conclusion of your employment contract please surrender your apartment key to the IEC.

3 外教要妥善保管护照、钱财及其它个人物品,不宜在房间内存放贵重物品和大量现金。

Please take care of the contents of your apartment.  We advise that you do not keep anything of value (including your passport, large amounts of cash, personal electronics goods, etc) in your apartment.  The school cannot be held responsible for any personal items that go missing from your apartment during your employment.  Also note that your personal electronic items should be appropriately protected as the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to them that is caused by electrical, computer network or telephone connections.

4 外教应注意防火、节水、节电,房内禁止违章使用自备的大功率电器,无人时关闭空调,电视、电灯等家用电器,外出时应检查好屋内门窗及电器、煤气等设备确实关闭,防止发生盗灾、火灾。

Please turn off any electrical or gas appliances in your apartment when they are not in use or you are out.  Leaving these appliances going while you are not in your apartment not only poses a serious safety hazard but also wastes expensive energy. Your common sense and consideration would be appreciated.

5 校外来访人员需要本人有效证件在门卫处登记后方可进入公寓。来访人员22:30前必须离开公寓,外教不得擅自容留他人住宿。如有需要,需向国际交流中心提交申请。凡违反规定在房间内擅自留宿他人者,将视情节警告并给予处分。

If you have visitors, they need to register at the main guard house before entering the foreign compound and all visitors should leave the compound by 22:30pm.  The apartments are provided to the contracted foreign teacher only for your comfort and convenience and are not intended as alternative accommodation for your visitors (without the express permission of the IEC).  This is an issue the IEC feels strongly about and we would ask you be responsible and considerate regarding this request.

6 外教节假日期间如离校外出不在公寓内居住的,应到国际交流中心登记,住房钥匙必须妥善保管或交由警卫室保管,不得擅自交他人保管或借给他人使用。

During long holiday periods where you may be absent from your apartment, your apartment key should be surrendered to the IEC for safe keeping.  Do not take your key with you or pass your key on to anyone without first getting the express permission of the IEC

7 外教请保持公寓安静,不得从事影响他人休息的活动。不可喧哗和放大电视及音响,严禁酗酒、赌博、非法传教等活动。严禁吸毒贩毒和其他违法行为。

Please be considerate and take responsibility for your surroundings and environment within the foreign compound.  Excessive noise, late night parties, alcohol abuse, illicit drugs, gambling, proselytizing, and other similar activities that may be either illegal or offend other teachers are strictly prohibited.  Any breach of Chinese law or XAIU regulations will be dealt with the appropriate response.

8 外教爱护公寓内设施,入住时请核对室内物品,并在物品清单上签字。离任时,应将清单上的物品如数交还,如有损坏或遗失应按价赔偿。

The apartments are reasonably furnished and basic appliances are provided free for teacher’s use.  Please take good care of your apartment and its contents.  On arriving at your apartment you will be asked to sign an apartment content inventory which will be reconciled on your departure.  During your stay, please report any damage or loss immediately to the IEC.  On your departure, please make sure the apartment and its contents is left in a reasonable condition and there are no items missing or damaged.  Any unusual damage or loss may result in the delay or withholding of your final salary payment.

9 室内的生活垃圾应及时清理,不得随意堆置在公共楼道内。

Please try to keep the areas within the compound clean and uncluttered.  Refuse can be left in the garbage bins provided and if your refuse contains large items please take them to the central collection area.  We don’t advise you leaving food items or restaurant plates of part finished food out as this practice will attract unwanted animals and pests.

10 外教如果违反以上规定造成任何不良后果,则必须承担全部责任。

Please be notified that any act that a foreign teacher, while under a current employment contract with XAIU, commits that contravenes Chinese law or XAIU rules and regulations will be dealt with the appropriate response and action.