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The following guide is provided to ensure that all International Students (Hereinafter referred to as “the students”) at Xi’an International University (Hereinafter referred to as “the University” or “XAIU”) have read and are aware of expectations, local laws and university rules.  

第一章 总 则



International students must abide by the laws of the Chinese government as well as XAIU specific regulations. Students are also expected to respect public ethics and social customs in China.


The University invites and encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities organized by the student union.  Information about student organizations and campus activities will be available during orientation.  Orientation to XAIU will be held within two days after your arrival on campus.  There are several major Chinese festivals in which students are also encouraged to participate during their stay in China.


The University respects the ethics, customs and religious beliefs of our International students, but does not provide a venue for religious activities. Proselytizing and religious gatherings are strictly prohibited on campus.


Students are not permitted to engage in trade or other business endeavors while pursuing their studies on campus, but they are encouraged to participate in work-study programs as stipulated by the University. Information about work-study opportunities is available from the International Center office on campus. Occasional tutoring work is permitted so long as it does not interfere with a student’s studies and personal learning experience.


Students can bring into and send out of China whatever personal items they deem necessary so long as they are in accord with relevant laws and regulations of the Chinese authorities.

第二章 来华留学生生活管理


第六条 持普通护照并在我校正式注册的来华留学生方可入住我校留学生公寓或宾馆。凡入住的留学生都必须在公寓管理人员或宾馆服务台办理登记入住手续。

International students must hold ordinary passports and be registered for studies at the University in order to be able to live in the on-campus dormitory or hotel. Living arrangements and room assignments will have been made prior to student’s arrival at XAIU, in accord with wishes conveyed by your home campus.

第七条 来华留学生应服从管理员的安排,按指定房间入住,不得随意调换。如果调换宿舍,自己提出申请,并必须经过国际交流中心领导同意调换,才可调换。

Rooms are assigned by program management staff and must not be changed at will. Requests for room changes or reassignment must be approved by the International Center before such moves can be made.  

第八条 来华留学生入住前检查好房间内配备设施,如有问题及时与管理员联系。

Upon first entering your new room students must check all equipment and facilities and immediately contact management staff if there are problems.  A checklist will be provided for your convenience.  This will be signed by both the student(s) occupying the room and management staff to certify that the room and its’ equipment are in proper working order.  This list will be checked again prior to the occupant’s departure from the University at the end of their program.

第九条 宿舍提供的空调、电视、冰箱、热水器、电磁炉、微波炉、网络设施等电器和设备应合理使用,不得擅自拆卸、改装、转移或损坏,违者照价赔偿。

All room fixtures including furniture, beds, air-conditioner, TV set, refrigerator, hot-water bottle, magnetic oven, micro-oven and internet connection should be properly used. Removing parts, reinstallation, transfer or damage other than normal use will be paid at full price.

第十条 房间内提供的所有生活物品请妥善使用,如有损坏或遗失,按物品原价的2-5倍赔偿。

Articles for daily use provided in the room such as hot pots, pots and pans, spoons, woks, refrigerator, etc. must be properly used. Any damage or loss will be paid at 2.5 times the original price.

第十一条 应保持房间的干净、整洁,不可在房间内随意张贴、涂抹、刻写和钉钉子。

Rooms must be kept clean and tidy.  Daubing, scribbling, painting on and nailing things into the walls are strictly prohibited.  Posters can be affixed with removable adhesives only.

第十二条 应在宿舍内保持安静,不得大声喧哗或播放音乐,如有违反,管理员在警告三次无效后有权没收其音响设备及处以一定罚款。

Loud noise and music are not allowed in the rooms at any time.  Normal volumes for listening to TV and other media are acceptable so long as these levels do not negatively affect other residents.  Quiet hours are between 11:00 PM and 6:00 AM.  Management staff has the right to remove any and all audio equipment after three failed warnings.

第十三条 不得在宿舍内抽烟、酗酒、打架,以及进行违法犯罪活动。如有违反,视情节轻重予以处理。

Smoking, drinking, fighting and unlawful activities are not permitted in the rooms. Violations will be dealt with on the case to case basis.

第十四条 不得随意留宿他人过夜,如有亲朋探访,需在2230前离开;若确需住宿,凭有效证件在宾馆登记入住。

Visitors must leave before 22:30 or check in with valid documents. Overnight stay for unregistered guests is not permitted.

第十五条 凡在我校住宿的来华留学生,不得在外留宿,应于当天2300前返校。外出超过24小时的,需向国际交流中心请假并通知公寓管理员或宾馆服务台。

International students are not permitted to live off campus unless other arrangements have been made and approved by the International Center prior to the student arriving at XAIU. XAIU Chinese students must return to their dormitories by 23:00.  It is expected that International students will observe reasonable curfew rules established by home campus regulations. Off-campus visits exceeding 24 hours must be approved by the International student’s group leader.  If there is no designated official leader for individual or small groups of students then the International Center must approve off-campus absences of more than 24 hours in duration. International Center management staff must be notified of extended absences (more than 24 hours in duration).

第十六条 注意用电安全,谨慎使用电器,杜绝乱接乱拉电线,严禁使用违章电器;宿舍内严禁存放易燃易爆物品,遵守防火制度,严防火灾;外出时应检查水、电、门是否管好,避免发生意外。如果造成严重后果者,根据情节轻重给予处分,直至追究刑事责任。

Use of unapproved electrical appliances and improper wiring is not permitted. This can create a serious safety hazard. No inflammable materials or explosives are to be stored in the rooms. Fire regulations will be strictly observed. Water, power, doors, windows and screens should be checked before leaving the room. Violations will be dealt with and/or penalized by law.

第十七条 注意人身及财产安全,保管好自己的证件及物品,房间内不得存放大量现金及贵重物品,谨防丢失。

Proper care should be taken of personal safety and belongings including documents and other items. Currency, valuables and important documents should not be left in the room.  Passports, student ID’s and Visas should be with International students at all times.

第十八条 国际交流中心或学校相关部门管理人员因工作需要有权进入学生宿舍,学生应给予配合,不得拒绝。

Officials of the International Center or management staff in charge should be allowed into student rooms for reasonable business and maintenance reasons.

第十九条 结业(毕业)的来华留学生应在规定时间内办理完离校手续,并于3天内搬离宿舍;凡退学的或被我校开除的来华留学生,应在学校通知后按规定时间离开学校。

Students must leave the University at the stipulated time and vacate the dormitory within three days at the conclusion of their program. Students who quit their studies early or are expelled must leave the University on the day as notified.

第二十条 来华留学生入校、离校时,应按规定程序办理各项入校、离校手续,办理或填写入校、离校手续流程表,不经学校同意不得委托他人办理入校、离校手续。

1. Students must go through proper entry and exit formalities at the University in person.  No other person should be designated for the formalities without the permission of the University.

第二十一条 因个人原因不在校内居住的来华留学生,需提出书面申请,并办理相关手续,及时给国际交流中心有关工作人员留下新住址及联络号码,并通知该生到新住址所在地派出所办理临时住宿登记(黄页)手续,如果搬家需在一周内办理居留地址变更手续,并给有关工作人员留下新住址及联络号码。

A written application is required and must be submitted to the International Center for approval if a student wishes to arrange off-campus accommodations. The address and other contact information must be provided to the International Center to obtain approval.  Temporary domicile registration (Yellow page) must be submitted to the local publicity security office. Formalities for a change of address must be completed within a week and the new address and contact information must be provided should a student move to a different location.

第三章 来华留学生签证管理


第二十二条 来华留学生一般应当持普通护照和“X”签证办理学习注册手续。来华学习六个月以上者,凭《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202)、学校的《录取通知书》和《外国人体格检查记录》,向中国驻外签证机关申请“X1”字签证;来华学习期限不满六个月者,凭《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表或JW202)和学校的《录取通知书》,向中国驻外签证机关申请“X2”字签证。

In most cases, the international students must hold ordinary passports with X visas for registration. For six-month programs in China, the students must apply for the X1 visa at a designated Chinese consulate in their home country. For the visa application they must have with them such documents as the “Application Form for International Students” (JW201 or JW 202), the admissions letter of the University and the “Physical Examination Record for Foreigners”

For programs lasting less than six months in China the students must apply for the X2 visa at a designated Chinese consulate in their home country. For the visa application they must have with them such documents as the “Application Form for International Students” and the admissions letter of the University.

第二十三条 学习时间在6个月以上的来华留学生来华后,必须在规定期限内到卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续;无法提供《外国人体格检查记录》者,必须在当地卫生检疫部门进行体检,经检查确认患有我国法律规定不准入境疾病者,应当立即离境回国。

For programs lasting over six months, International students must have their “Physical Examination Record for Foreigners” confirmed at the local quarantine department within the prescribed time limit. Failing to provide the record, students must take the physical examination in a local quarantine department. If diagnosed with diseases that are not allowed entry to China the students must leave for home.

第二十四条 “X”签证入境的来华留学生必须在自入境之日起30日内,向当地公安机关出入境管理部门申请办理《外国人居留证》;在学期间,如居留证上填写的项目有变更,必须在10日内到当地公安机关出入境管理部门办理变更手续。

X-visa holders must apply for “Residence Permit for Aliens” at the exit/entry department of the local public security bureau within 30 days of arrival. With change(s) in the residence permit during the program the change(s) must be ratified at the exit/entry department of the local public security bureau within ten days.

第二十五条 来华留学生转学至另一城市时,应当先在原居留地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁出手续。到达迁入地后,必须于10日内到迁入地公安机关出入境管理部门办理迁入手续。

If an International student wishes to transfer to another city the student must obtain transfer documents from the exit/entry department of their current Chinese residence. Upon arrival in the new city they must register for residency at the exit/entry department of the local public security bureau.

第二十六条 来华留学生在学期间临时出境,必须在出境前办理再入境手续。签证或居留证有效期满后仍需在华学习或停留的,必须在签证或居留证有效期满之前办理延期手续。

Students who will temporarily leave China during their course of study at XAIU must obtain re-entry permits before departure. To extend their stay or studies in China beyond the valid period of their visa or residence permit International students must submit their application before their current visa or residence permit expires.

第二十七条 来华留学生毕业、结业、肄业、退学后,必须在规定时间内出境。对受到勒令退学或开除学籍处分的来华留学生,学校会及时通知公安机关出入境管理部门。公安机关出入境管理部门依法收缴其所持外国人居留证或缩短其在华停留期。

Students must leave China within the stipulated date upon graduation and the completion, suspension and dropping out of their programs. The University will inform exit/entry departments of local public security bureaus about students who are asked to quit or expelled. The exit/entry department of the local public security bureau will then suspend the residence permit or shorten the duration of stay for these students.

第二十八条 来华留学生应自行保管好护照等有效证件,检查证件的有效期,避免证件失效、签证过期造成麻烦。

Students are responsible for maintaining possession and proper care of their passports and other valid documents.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that these documents remain valid while they are in China.

第二十九条 本办法最终解释权归国际交流中心。

第四章 来华留学生的入学与注册

第三十条 凡到我校学习的来华留学生必须进行入学考试,依据考试成绩录取并注册。

第三十一条 凡经录取的来华留学生必须缴纳学费及相关费用,办理各项入学手续,进行学籍注册。如在报到时间内不能及时缴纳学费和未办理入学手续者,或自报到之日起30天内仍不缴费和未办理入学手续,即取消入学资格。

第三十二条 根据规定,我校留学生在每学期开学都需办理注册手续。留学生需持学生证和费用缴纳收据(或清单)办理注册等手续。如在报到时间内不能及时缴纳学费和未办理注册手续者,或自报到之日起30天内仍不缴费和仍未办理注册手续者,不得参加各项教学活动。

第五章 学习成绩考核

第三十三条 来华留学生进入我校不同层级的汉语教学班或我校高等教育的有关专业学习,要完成规定课程的学习内容。

第三十四条 进入我校高等教育有关专业学习的来华留学生,应该按照有关专业的规定课程,完成规定课程所修学分。具体规定参照我校教务处学籍管理规定实施。

第三十五条 学习成绩考核分值为百分制,六十分为及格分数线。 学习成绩的考核由三部分组成,其分值结构为334,即平时成绩占30%,期中考试成绩占30%,期末考试成绩占40%,依照三项成绩的总评,作为一个学期一门课程的最终成绩。

第三十六条 平时学习成绩的考核,要参照留学生的到课率,凡累计旷课20学时,平时成绩以0分计。缺交作业次数累计超过应交次数的三分之一者;无故不参加平时测验者,平时成绩以0分计。

第三十七条 凡连续旷课30学时或累计旷课30学时者,不得参加期中或期末考试。

第六章 考试和升、降级学习

第三十八条 凡在我校学习的来华留学生必须参加每学期规定的考试,并在规定的考试时间内完成考试。

第三十九条 凡在我校学习的来华留学生,除了遇到不可抗力外,不得以任何借口提前或推迟考试。确因特殊原因不能参加考试者,必须履行申请提前或推迟考试的手续,经同意后,方可参加另行安排的考试;未经同意,不得擅自请求提前或推迟考试。

第四十条 确因特殊原因要求提前进行期末考试的来华留学生,必须完成该学期总学时五分之四的课时,并提出书面申请,经审核同意后,方可提前参加期末考试。

第四十一条 学习汉语的来华留学生期末考试成绩不合格,或学期总评成绩不合格,必须参加补考,补考成绩合格后,方可进入高一个层级学习。经补考后仍不合格者,即需留在原层级或降低到低一个层级学习。

第四十二条 进入专业学习的来华留学生课程考试不合格,必须参加补考。补考后成绩仍不合格,必须重修该门课程,取得该课程的学分。

第七章 颁发结业证和学历证明

第四十三条 在相应学期完成规定课程的学习的来华留学生,成绩合格者,予以颁发西安外事学院结业证。

第四十四条 在相应学期完成规定课程的学习,成绩不合格,但经补考后成绩合格的来华留学生,予以颁发西安外事学院结业证。经补考后成绩仍不合格者,不予颁发西安外事学院结业证,但可以出具学习经历证明。

第四十五条 凡在相应学期完成了规定课程的学习,但因不可抗力或确因特殊原因,不能参加结业考试的来华留学生,应该履行补考手续,经同意方可参加补考。在规定时间参加补考,成绩合格者,予以颁发西安外事学院结业证。在规定时间未能参加补考或补考成绩不合格者,不予颁发西安外事学院结业证,但可以出具学习经历证明。

第四十六条 在我校高等教育有关专业学习的来华留学生,学习成绩合格者,提交专业毕业论文和通过毕业论文答辩,予以授予高等教育有关专业毕业证书和学位证书。

第四十七条 对经常无故缺勤,旷课时数超过学期总学时二分之一以上者,不予出具学习经历证明。

第八章 转学和推荐学习

第四十八条 凡在我校学习的来华留学生,要求转学的,必须完成一个学期的学习后方可提出转学申请。学期中途要求转学者,一律不予办理转学手续,并不予出具学习经历证明。

第四十九条 要求转学的来华留学生在我校学习期间违犯我国法律法规,违反校纪校规,破坏学校正常生活秩序,破坏学校设施的,不予出具转学或学习经历证明。

第九章 奖学金制度

第五十条 凡在我校学习汉语的来华留学生,能够遵守学校的各项规章制度;按时上课,出勤率达到98%以上;上课认真听讲,踊跃发言,按时完成各门课程的作业;积极参加校内外的各种活动;学习成绩优良,方可授予奖学金。

第五十一条 凡符合第五十条规定,并达到以下学习成绩者,方可获得奖学金。奖学金的学习成绩奖励等级分为三等。




第五十二条 HSK成绩计入奖学金奖励制度。凡符合以下条件者,可获得相应加分。加分后的成绩符合第五十一条的,即按第五十一条规定奖励。





第五十三条 在我校学习汉语的来华留学生,凡积极参加校内外各种类型的活动或比赛,符合下列条件者,可获得相应加分。




第五十四条 在我校学习汉语的来华留学生,奖学金下一个学期以减免相应学费的形式颁发。

第五十五条 凡在我校高等教育有关专业学习的来华留学生奖学金的颁发,应该按照学校关于奖学金颁发的相应规定执行。

第十章 退学和开除

第五十六条 凡在我校学习的来华留学生出现下列情形之一者,应予以退学:





第五十七条 出现第五十六条中的情形,但认错态度诚恳,可继续跟班学习以观后效,若有较为明显改观者,可撤销退学通知;若仍无改观者,即令其退学。

第五十八条 凡在我校学习的来华留学生出现下列情形之一者,应做开除学籍处理:





第十一章 附 则

第五十九条 本规定经学校校务会审议通过。

第六十条  本规定未尽事项,按学校相关管理办法办理。

第六十一条 本规定经校务会授权,国际交流中心负责解释。

第六十二条 本规定以中文文本为准,20089月开始执行。